template id for debian template: lt-09e730fd0e1a9da54
command line
- How do you create as new instance from the command line from an instance
- Launching an instance from a launch template - Amazon Elastic Compute
- toward bottom of page, search for “Launching an instance from a launch template”
- Go to the AWS CLI tab
- follow instructions and examples there
- launch debian template:
- aws ec2 run-instances –launch-template LaunchTemplateId=lt-09e730fd0e1a9da54,Version=1
- Launching an instance from a launch template - Amazon Elastic Compute
- How do you get a list of instances from EC2?
- aws ec2 describe-instances
- returns json
- aws ec2 describe-instances
Perl api (paws distribution)
my $obj = Paws->service('EC2',
region => 'us-east-1',
- Allocate a new ip address:
my $res = $obj->AllocateAddress;
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