by Steve Dondley

⬅ Notes listing

Author's note: The note below is part of a digital garden. Therefore, it is likely incomplete, inaccurate or both. In other words, it's just like other information sources but perhaps to a higher degree. That said, it may still be worth exploring.

Insert hyperlinks into vim (Mac only)

  • These maps run apple scripts which are posted below
  • These lines get added to your vim configuration file
" safari browser maps
" Copy and paste **url** of current open Safari tab into vim
inoremap <Leader>gu <esc>:silent !~/bin/copy_safari_url.osa <cr>a <esc>"+p<cr>
nnoremap <Leader>gu :silent !~/bin/copy_safari_url.osa <cr>"+p<cr>

" Copy and paste **title** of current open Safari tab into vim
inoremap <Leader>gt <esc>:silent !~/bin/copy_safari_title.osa <cr>a <esc>"+p<cr>
nnoremap <Leader>gt :silent !~/bin/copy_safari_title.osa <cr>"+p<cr>

" Copy and paste **markdown link** of current open Safari tab into vim using title and url
inoremap <leader>gg <esc>:set fo-=t <cr>:noautocmd !~/bin/copy_safari_title.osa <cr>:let @+ = substitute(@+, '\|', '\\|', 'g')<cr>:let @x=@+<cr>:noautocmd !~/bin/copy_safari_url.osa <cr>:let @+ = substitute(@+, '(', '%28', 'g')<cr>:let @+ = substitute(@+, ')', '%29', 'g')<cr>:let @y=@+<cr>:let @z='[' . getreg('x') . '](' . getreg('y') . ')'<cr>"zp:set fo+=t<cr>a
nnoremap <leader>gg :set fo-=t <cr>:noautocmd !~/bin/copy_safari_title.osa <cr>:let @+ = substitute(@+, '\|', '', 'g')<cr>:let @x=@+<cr>:noautocmd !~/bin/copy_safari_url.osa <cr>:let @+ = substitute(@+, '(', '%28', 'g')<cr>:let @+ = substitute(@+, ')', '%29', 'g')<cr>:let @y=@+<cr>:let @z='[' . getreg('x') . '](' . getreg('y') . ')'<cr>"zp:set fo+=t<cr>

Note the :noautcmd in the calls to the external commands. This prevents any autocmds that are triggered when the buffer is changed from running.


Add these Applescripts to a directory in your shell’s bin $PATH


tell application "Safari"
	set theURL to URL of current tab of front window
	set the clipboard to [theURL](theURL)
end tell

tell application "Safari"
	set theTitle to the name of the current tab of window 1
	set the clipboard to theTitle
end tell

Other notes linking here:

Diary entry for 2020-07-18


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